Monday 28 December 2015

[0155] MGRC




Ø  一个跟A-C-G-T有关联的业务。

Ø  企业宣传片


Ø  基因组测序
o    从零开始的某些基因研究工作。
Ø  基因组分析
o    已经有了基因组测序咨询,但是要了解某些基因深入的分析。
Ø  基因检查
o    了解个人对某种疾病的风险程度。
Ø  病理学实验室
o    病理学是研究引起疾病或由疾病造成的机体器官和组织的结构和功能变化
Ø  诊断服务
o    鉴定某些疾病。



其中比较大型的合约包括与森那美(Sime Darby)合作的工程。在2009年,该公司已经成功破译油棕遗传学,使之成为世界上第一家实现这一科学突破。公司也在201411月从FELDA WELLNESS得到19百万的合约,预测将会在2017年才完工。公司最近期的杰作就是与Monash University Malaysia大学研究小组成功研究首宗鱼类(亚洲龙鱼)的基因组测序。



笔者本身曾经尝试Dtect Metabolic的测试,可以大概了解其中的过程。他们将会给你一个DNA口腔抹拭采集工具包,里面主要包括一根棉签,一个管子和一粒硅胶。然后跟着以下简单的步骤就完成收集测试者的样本。





病理学实验室,简单的讲解就是实验我们的器官,组织和体液(比如血液和尿液)来检查疾病的可能性。其实,病理学的服务是非常广阔。其中的服务就如大众所做的年度身体检查服务。比较常见的竞争对手有如BP Labs。但是公司主要跟医生和医院以合伙的方式合作,而不像BP Labs那样直接做门面的生意。其中的原因是与MGRC的创办人(Robert George Hercus)有关联。因为他是澳洲人,所以公司的生意会比较接近澳洲人的模式,特别专注自己的专长给与客户最专业的服务。公司相信通过人脉和专注的服务将会带来更好的效果。

20127月,公司公布通过其子公司MPath Sdn Bhd,收购Clinipath (Malaysia)Clinipath CapitalMedical Scan70%100%100%的股份。这也让公司正式添加了病理学的业务。在201312月和20156月,公司也继续把CM的股权提升到95%100%MPath Sdn BhdMGRCAJMAKS各自拥有50%股权的子公司。以2014年估计,CM持有6%的大马私营部门病理市场。整个大马市场的价值大概是4.28亿马币。此市值,预测2019年将会达到7.54亿马币,公司也放眼希望到时能够占有10%的市场率。






Company Background

Humanity will go through birth, aging, sickness and death phases. Differences in each person will be closely linked with genes and quality of life. In addition to humans, the entire creature associated with our environment is no exception. It is not an easy task to understand such a complex relationship. In the Malaysian stock market, there is a company involving in such complicated task as their business.

DNA is not an easy term to understand. Generally, it is not a common business to public. You may have heard the word of DNA, but may not have deep knowledge in it. So do I. As a conservative investor, you should avoid to invest in a company which you can’t understand its business. Its extraordinary business made me full of curiosity and interest, so I’m determined to work hard to understand it step by step, rather than an exclusive to skip it. With the following articles, we can understand more about DNA.

Ø  A business related to A-C-G-T


公司的业务 | Company Services

Below are the company business segments. Author as an ordinary investor to explains it in simple way.
Ø  Genome Sequencing
o    Perform a totally new genomics research.
Ø  Genome Analysis
o     To accelerate genomics research according to project goals.
Ø  Genetic Screening
o    To understand the risk for certain diseases
Ø  Pathology Lab
o    Pathology is the study of the way diseases and illnesses develop.
Ø  Diagnostic Services
o    To identify certain diseases

Contract base services are Genome Sequencing & Genome Analysis (Analytical Services). Recurring base services are Genetic Screening, Pathology Lab & Diagnostic Services. In the past few years, company is making effort in business transformation from contract base revenue to recurring base revenue.

Analytical Services is the large-scale project sources to the company. Their customers are those institution and medical field related parties. Normally, company takes a long time to secure a substantial project which may take about 8-12 months. But it takes a long time to complete the contract.

One of the substantial contracts completed is in year 2009. Sime Darby Bhd has successfully deciphered the genetics of the oil palm, making it the world’s first company to achieve this scientific breakthrough. Also in November 2014, the company has secured RM19 million contracts awarded from FELDA WELLNESS and expect to be completed in 2017. For the most recent news, MGRC is involved with Monash University Malaysia University research team and successful research first Malaysian fish (Asian arowana) genome sequencing. (For details, see Appendix News)
Experts predict that by 2018, the global revenue from analytical services will hit USD 8 – 12 billion at 21% CAGR. In addition, also see increasing trend in outsourcing to Asia from US and EU.

There is a lot of efforts can be offer by the company in this segment. As a layman, you will hardly to imagine it.

Genetic Screening is the one of the company’s segments seeing a rapid growth in recent time. The company has used genomic technologies to create "Dtect", which can help screen human DNA for genetic variations, thus enabling humans to empower and better manage their health. Dtect offers a series of genetic screening services. It is a preventive test to help someone to understand their risk in certain diseases according to their own genetic. Dtect is designed to screen someone’s DNA for known genetic markers. These markers, also known as variants, are associated with risks for diseases, disorders, conditions or traits. The results from the Dtect tests can help them manage their health, and the health of their loved ones. All tests are accurate for known genetic markers. Complex diseases may require comprehensive tests that utilize a wider range of markers, or DNA sequencing. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the company will launch an interesting new test in 2016. Let’s wait for it!

I have experience in the Dtect test as I have took Dtect Metabolic before. They will give you a DNA Buccal Swab Kit and it comes with a swab, a tube and a silica gel in capsule shape. Then, just follow below simples steps in order to retrieval of DNA from mouth.

Reports will be released in about two weeks. Then you should arrange a schedule with Genomics Consultant for advice.

Pls refer to the link for more details

For each test, only need to do once in lifetime as our genetic will not change in life. The cost for each Dtect test is range is about RM1k to RM2k.

Check out the following video clip to learn more about Dtect.

Pathology lab is a simple vehicle to exam our organs, tissues, and body fluids (eg blood and urine) to examine the possibility of certain diseases. In fact, the pathology service is very broad and our annual medical check is part of it. BP Labs is the more well-known competitor that we can notice easily. Anyway, the company mainly carrying partnership with doctors and hospitals rather than direct facing with public likes BP Labs. Part of the reason for this is related to the MGRC founder (Robert George Hercus). As he is Australian, the company's business will be relatively close to the Australian model, particularly focus on their expertise to give customers the most professional service. Company believes it will work well through partnership and professional focus.

In July 2012, the company announced through its associate MPath Sdn Bhd, acquired Clinipath (Malaysia), Clinipath Captail and Medical Scan at 70%, 100% and 100% of the shares respectively. Officially, company has entered into pathology business. In December 2013 and June 2015, the company also continued to raise their stake in CM to 95% and 100% respectively. MPath Sdn Bhd is a 50:50 Joint-Venture company for MGRC and AJMAKS. In 2014, CM holds 6% of Malaysia’s private sector pathology market share which valued at RM428 million. Beyond to 2019, CM is targeting to reach 10% of market share which could value at RM754mil.

Diagnostic services, part of pathology, is use to identify certain diseases. North America and Australia are the very well developed countries in this field and 70% of healthcare decisions made by doctors are very depending on diagnostic test. According to Forbes’s forecast, global market revenue will hit USD 80 billion by 2020. Fastest growing segment is molecular diagnostics. It is expected to be another growing business segment for the company in the future.

Above share belongs only to the extent of my personal understanding, which through own reading and conversation with professionals. I’m not the industry experts, the information may vary.

In coming articles, I will talk more about business related information and some personal views on the company, such as the risks, changes seen from the company’s transformation and some wild guess through certain information.

Attn: This is only a sharing on the company business, not buy/sell recommendation. In my opinion, the share price has reflected its short term value and it still come with some uncertainty conditions. I shall share it later.

To be continue

Saturday 28 November 2015

Investalks Academy高级课程正式开跑!




前贴感言:【Investalks基本面课程】 | Investalks Academy





  1. 课程前菜 (Introduction)
  2. 寻找信息 (Information Sourcing)
  3. 未来盈利预测 (Predict The Future Earning)
  4. 隐形信息的思考 (Think On The Hidden Messages)
  5. 买卖决定考虑点 (Decision Making In Buy Sell)
  6. 找股工具 (Stock Selection Tool)
  7. 陷阱数字的可能性 (Possibility On Figure Trap)
  8. 示范个股分析 (Stock Analysis Examples)









Friday 16 October 2015

Participation Analysis 【参与率分析】 @ 15-Oct-15


Foreign investors movement is unknown for today's market. Anyhow, foreign investors have been the net buyer for the past 7 days consecutively. The previous 2 times recorded with 7 days consecutively net buy by foreign investor were mid-Mar'15 & end-Apr'15. But this time is showing higher traded value compared to the previous. Perhaps we can use the past trends to predict the coming market trend. Time will prove whether similar trend will happen.

LR - Local Retails 【散户】
LI - Local Institution 【本地基金】
F - Foreign 【外资】

Sunday 11 October 2015

LANDMRK: AGM信息 (AGM Information)

前几个月的股票市场情绪很糟糕,为了避免不再多加恐慌,所以没有立刻公开地分享公司的AGM信息。观察了这个星期的市场情绪后,加上外资开始出现少许的回流(6-Oct @ 0.6亿,7-Oct @ 2.9亿 & 8-Oct @ 1.2亿),才选择开始做简单的分析。虽然笔者选择开始慢步进场,主要选择跌得深和有价值的股,但是还是必须步步为营来操作。一旦观察到外资再大力抛售,将会选择出场再做观众。下个星期再给大家跟进参与率的分析。

讲回正题。通过Landmrk AGM的信息,可以了解之前的盈利预期做得太乐观了。水晶湖(Crystal Lagoon)的开张是如期进行,但是周围设备的进展还是在很初期的阶段。如此的进展,看来还是需要多2年才可以看到比较明显的盈利。到时候,国际机场也应该接近开始运作的时期。


Market sentimental is very bad in the past few months. It caused me become hesitate to share the AGM information and to avoid unnecessary further panic to investors. The market sentimental looks better in this week and the foreign investors are coming back slowly (6-Oct @ 61mil,7-Oct @ 290mil & 8-Oct @ 120mil). Thus, I decided to share it today. I have started to step in into market in slow pace by focus on deep falling and undervalued stocks. But I still remind myself to be very caution in this market. If the foreign investors are back to great selling mode, I shall retreat as observer again. I will make a Participation Analysis by next week to follow the situation.

Back to the topic. From the Landmark AGM's information, it is very obvious that my previous prediction on the timing is too optimistic. Crystal Lagoon was successfully launched as per schedule, but the surrounding accommodation and facilities are still in very preliminary stage. With this kind of progress, it seem need another 2 years before we can see significant profit to surface. By that time, the launch date of international airport should be around the corner as well.

Just monitor the Treasure Bay Bintan development progress closely. I still believe it is just matter of time in order to let the company to perform well in the future.

Source: Credit to Angie.

Monday 21 September 2015

Participation Analysis 【参与率分析】 @ 21-Sep-15





From the listed 26 number of trading days, foreign investor (F) has sold in 21 days. From the recent 3 trading days, (F) bought back some significant value of shares. But, (F) made an immediate U turn today. How the show is going on after this?

I tracked such trading data for more than 3 years and still counting. Anyway, I'm still unable to get some solid hints from such trading data analysis. I guess I still need much more time on this. Perhaps need to add on 1 to 2 bullish and bearish market.

Started from May'12, (F) is accumulating share until May'13. It follow by unstoppable selling mode until today. The sold traded value is 1.5 times compared to its accumulation from 2012-2013. Is it a lot? I don't think so if we consider its accumulation since from 2009-2012 which is not under my tracking database. One thing to be sure that, (F) has got good profit from its 1.5 times sold traded value in share and still maintain the index in reasonable high level.

By pure guess, author is more toward to further downside for index. What is the reason for (F) bought back in recent 3 trading days? To create more room for selling (push up the index) and get more share for control power (make selling pressure)? No answer for it. Just continue to see the coming market show. Anyway, I strayed in such market condition as I dare not to buy big as what I did in the past.

LR - Local Retails 【散户】
LI - Local Institution 【本地基金】
F - Foreign 【外资】

Tuesday 23 June 2015

【Investalks基本面课程】 | Investalks Academy



接下来的未来,笔者将会与Investalks论坛合作创办Investalks Academy来教导基本面课程。
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Monday 1 June 2015

【基本面+长期投资】| FA + Long Term Investment














What is long term investment? The term look simple but a lot of people may think it differently.

In a previous post, I have mentioned that it is a surely profitable investment if you take it with fundamental in long run. Is that truth? I will still said "yes" if you know how to work on it.

What is the meaning of long term investment? For me, it is just as simple as you continue stay in the stock market. Cash in or cash out from stock, both are one of the investment acts. Investment doesn't mean you must always stay in the market with stock on hand. At time, keep cash is also one of the investment strategy.

Scenario 1: Buy in or holding stock
When market sentimental is good, any buy or stock on hand is a good decision to make good profit. On the other hand, you will not gain any if you holding pile of cash. In this case, you have missed the good time to invest. Time is money, it mean you are making loss indirectly. Right?

Scenario 2: Cash out and stay away
When market sentimental is bad, you will unable to imagine the loss if you holding a lot of stock. In this case, your investment capital is eroded and you need spend more time to get it back. Whereby, if you are in cash rich position, you are not only avoided the loss but gain a good timing to buy lower. Agree?

We are unable to run away from risk for any kind of investment. But, the investment risk can be minimize. In stock market, fundamental analysis is a kind of knowledge that allow you to minimize the risk. Through FA, we will able to understand and avoid the investment which is high risk and less confident. FA will direct you to the investment that you are confident and foresee a good investment return in future.

If you make an investment that you are not confident at all, you are no different from gambling. You will never able to make a surely profitable investment in long run unless you are a super lucky person. If you have a solid confident in your investment, the chances to be succeed will definitely in better position. By doing this in long run, do you think it will be a surely profitable investment?

Confident is build up by effort. If you would like to make profitable investment by yourself in long term, you should have proper FA knowledge. If you foresee a company will continue grow, it mean its intrinsic value will grow in time. Regardless how bad is the external factor, it will goes back to its reasonable value in longer term. Time is the best tool to judge the value of a company.

Both intrinsic value investment (ignore external factor in long run) and time the market (scenario 1 & 2) will also make money but in different methods. Our prediction through fundamental analysis or time the market will some time goes wrong. As long as we rectify it, lesser profit or lower loss are good to take as part of the consequence from risk management. Intrinsic value investment is more to long term whereby time the market is more to short to mid term.

If something happen against your prediction, a fundamental revisit is a must. The meaning of FA for a long term investment is to assist you to measure its fundamental from time to time. Long term investment does not ask you keep it forever by ignore things which are getting worse.

Fundamental analysis is a measurement tool for you to judge the investment whether still in good position.

Thus, if you able to build up your FA skill well, it will definitely help you to reduce mistake and investment risk. At least 7 out of 10 stocks you buy are making good profit, it will be good enough. If you able to do in proper manner, I don't see any reason it can't be a surely profitable investment in long run.

Stock market is a money game. As an investor, if you think you can't make a surely profitable investment in long run, I don't see any reason why you should still stay in stock market. It will be a disaster for an investor who is playing a game just purely depend on the luck.

Sunday 24 May 2015

【版权】| Copyright



I have visited some investment related websites on yesterday night. Surprisingly, I found some of my articles have been copied yet do not review the source of writer name. One of the article has been posted in this blog and others were shared in a talk organized by a investment forum. Copyright must be respected especially in written form (compared to verbal talk). For the article already posted in blog is well come to share again but it need to mention the source of writer name or link. For those articles which never post by writer but posted by 3rd party, I shall say he/she is having a very bad manner in sharing. I will not mention the name but hope this person will realize what need to do after read this post.

At the same time, I found some investors are still unsure the meaning of (fundamental analysis + long term investment + surely profit). The term and meaning of long term investment is mostly been twisted by public. For an investor which are experienced and coupled with FA skill, he/she should has the same thinking alike me. I will discuss more on this topic in next post.

Friday 1 May 2015

【公告】| Announcement

由于FB户口出现状况,笔者不能进入FB的户口。所以将会弃用之前的FB Group。
[ ](弃用)

过后将会以FB Page来取代。此FB Page的好处是不必通过要求加入就能看到笔者的分析和分享。比较复杂性或需要多文字的回答,可以通过此FB Page解答。
[ ](取代旧的FB Group)




My existing FB account is facing some login issue. Thus, I will not use the FB Group anymore.
[ ] (Abandoned)

I have created a FB Page to replacement the existing one. The advantage of this FB Page is not require to approve to join the group yet everyone can see my posting instantly. For complicated and long explanation needed questions, FB Page is a good channel to solve it.
[ ] (The replacement)

I found that the later sharing stocks are having significant fluctuation in share price. Thus, the sharing method has been changed in this year. The coming stock sharing must come with below criteria:
1) Suitable for mid to long term investment. If there is any unexpected events (on fundamental, not share price) happen in short term (within 1 year), I will try to provide some analysis to decide whether it still suitable for mid to long term investment.
2) Selection is mainly based on fundamental. Thus, speculation in trading and insider news will be out of scope.
3) The share price during sharing posted will be higher than my average buying price. If foresee market sudden turns bad, I'm opted to make immediate selling (partially or full) even the sharing post is just shared. Elsoft is a good experience which I decided not to sell even I felt the market is not going well because I think I should responsible for my fresh posting. Due to this, it eroded part of my last year's profit.
4) For the stock sharing, I expect to have a minimum 50% return in profit unless something unexpected is happen and cause loss. E.g. mistake in analysis, unexpected thing happen to the company or market collapsed.
5) Construction and Properties related stocks are out of scope. It does not mean it is not good for investment, but just I feel it is not easy to predict (estimation may change easily).

Due to this, my sharing will be lesser compared to previously. Coupled with current uncertainty on the market, I will even put extra precaution on my sharing.

At last, I have reduced some of my share holding recently in order to increase my cash position. My current portfolio is mainly holding LANDMRK and very less ELSOFT. Also holding some quantity for a stock which I'm going to do sharing later. Good luck to all of you!

Monday 16 March 2015

[1643] LANDMRK

公司简单介绍 | Briefing on Landmarks

1. GENTING通过PHOENIX SPECTRUM在18-Aug-2006收购了80mil的股数(RM2.00)。
2. 业务跟旅游业有关联。主要经营酒店,度假和健康医疗服务。
3. 公司未来主要贡献都是依靠Langkawi的The Andaman酒店业务和印尼的Treasure Bay(在Pesona Lagoi Bintan)。产业子公司,MSL(20%+1 share)也为公司带来一些贡献。
4. 在2006-07年,公司把大部分资产出售。主要是为了发展印尼Bintan岛的旅游业。(843acres,分多期来发展)
5. 第一期预测会在2015Q2完成。主要焦点是水晶湖(Crystal Lagoon),也配合其他景点的参观,零售,食品和饮料店。
6. 公司多年在印尼那边都是亏钱累累,毕竟发展期间必须一直烧钱又没收入。唯一的收入就的靠The Andaman。长期都是付出比收入多,所以还不能达到一个盈利的平衡点。只要印尼的发展开始带来收入,公司前景就变得明朗化了。
7. 2014Q4的NTA为RM3.68。今天的股价(RM1.25)。公司的价值简直是大平卖!
8. 2014Q3的Property Development Costs(发展资产)多达15亿(RM1.5bil),等于NTA RM3.17。在2014Q4,发展资产变为 7.9亿(RM0.79bil),其余的数目已经进入Property, plant and equipment了(长期资产的一部分)。只要完成Bintan岛的发展,这些数字到时就会变成收入的帐目。
9. 公司从收购,计划和发展,已经用了快要10年时间了,也渐渐要达到收割时期。所以,我们已经省了一个10年的等特。个人认为,可以买入股份来跟公司享有接下来几年的成果。接下来所需要等待的时间,应该不会太久。
10. 如果不想买入来等待,可以在看到公司从印尼那边开始有盈利才介入。到时也许需给高点的价钱买入。

1. GENTING reported that 100%-owned PHOENIX SPECTRUM sb had on Aug 18, 2006 acquired 80mil shares (16.65%) in LANDMARKS for RM160m cash or RM2.00 per share.
2. Focus on the lifestyle sector which are related in resorts, hospitality and wellness services.
3. The company is depending on its Langkawi's The Andaman Hotel business and also its development in Treasure Bay development (in Pesona Lagoi Bintan). Its Property business associate, MSL (20% + 1 share) is also contributing part of the earning for the company.
4. In 2006-07, company has disposed most of the assets to make way for its 338 hectare resort development land in Bintan island, Indonesia, known as Treasure Bay, Pesona Lagoi Bintan.
5. Its first phase is opening in Q2 of 2015. Phase one spans across 90 hectares. The main attraction is the 6.3-hectare Crystal Lagoon, South-East Asia’s first and largest recreational sea-water body. Also host integrated wellness and aesthetic facilities, featuring a 21-hectare wellness resort with services in holistic health management and nutrition facilities.
6. The company is making loss year by year as the main income from The Andaman Hotel business is unable to cover its high development cost in Bintan island. Due to this, it is normal to see profit in red. Once Treasure Bay development start to bring in good profit, we will able to see good accounting figure and a better prospect in future.
7. NTA in 2014Q4 is reported as RM3.68. With today's closing share price at RM1.25, it is consider a big discount offer.
8. The Property Development Cost reported in 2014Q3 is about RM1.5bil or equivalent to RM3.17. In 2014Q4, the property development cost has reduced to about RM0.79bil and the remaining has moved to Property, plant and equipment. In the coming future, this figure will slowly become an income for the company.
9. From the acquisition, planning and development, the company has spent about 10 years and finally getting close to the harvest time. As an investor, we have save a 10 years cycle in waiting. I think it is a great timing for us to buy in now and share the fruitful reward which is going to happen in years to come. I guess we will not wait too long to get share the reward.
10. If you reluctant to wait any longer, I guess you can buy in once you able to see obvious profit contribution from Treasure Bay development. But it will mostly need to pay in higher price.


之前,公司有公布Right Issue来筹钱发展。但是过后此计划取消了,由ESOS来代替。以下是股东的ESOS的方式。ESOS的价钱是每股定在RM1.44

Initially, company has proposed to have Right Issue to get new inject capital for future development. Anyhow, it has been cancelled and replaced with ESOS. Below information is the ESOS proposal. ESOS price is fixed at RM1.44 per share.

On 27 August 2014, options were granted to directors and employees of the Group to subscribe for 5,145,000 shares under the Landmarks Employees’ Share Option Scheme. The option gives the older the right to subscribe for ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company for an exercise price of RM1.44 each per share. These options are exercisable until January 2018 and will vest in the following manner.

Period                                                       % of Options
Immediately after acceptance of offer               40
2 January 2015 – 1 January 2016                     20
2 January 2016 – 1 January 2017                     20
2 January 2017 – 1 January 2018                     20

关于子公司的一些资料 | Information about Associate Company: MSL Properties S/B (“MSL”)

IJM Land, MSL Properties to build Wangsa Maju condo

By Haziq Hamid of
Friday, 22 June 2012 15:06

KUALA LUMPUR (June 22): IJM Land Bhd and MSL Properties Sdn Bhd have teamed up to develop a condominium project with a gross development value of RM585 million in Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur.

Seri Riana Residences will be on a 8.1-acre (2ha) leasehold site along Jalan Wangsa Delima 7. The first phase will be officially launched on June 30. It will comprise five blocks (two high-rise and three low-rise) housing 396 units. The high-rise blocks are 38-storeys while the low-rise are six to seven storeys.

Units in the first phase have built-ups between 1,382 sq ft and 3,375 sq ft with prices ranging from RM618,000 to RM1.8 million.

Seri Riana Residences is developed by Elegan Pesona Sdn Bhd, a 50:50 joint venture between IJM Land and MSL Properties.This is the second joint venture project by the two developers. The first was Riana Green East, a residential condominium also in Wangsa Maju.

The second phase, to be launched later, will comprise two blocks with 284 condominium units. The development is expected to be completed in 2016.

According to Datuk Soam Heng Choon, CEO and managing director of IJM Land, the first block is almost taken up. "Our first block of 183 units is 90% taken up by our repeat customers. We expect the first block to be fully sold by the time we officially launch the project," he said at a press preview of the project.

The project is targeted at residents of Wangsa Maju and Gombak as well as general Klang Valley residents.

Tan Ching Meng, general manager of MSL Properties, said Wangsa Maju is an ideal place for raising a family.

"We first came into Wangsa Maju to develop affordable housing but the area has since grown. Accessibility, facilities and amenities here have greatly improved. Wangsa Maju is establishing itself as an ideal place to live," he said.

Facilities at Seri Riana Residences include a 2.8-acre themed landscape park, a meditation area and a hammock area. The development also offers a sports centre, children's play zone, infinity pool and more.

Amenities close to Seri Riana Residences include the Fairview International School, Wangsa Walk Mall, Jusco and the Putra LRT line with stations at Setiawangsa, Sri Rampai and Wangsa Maju.

This story appeared in The Edge Financial Daily on June 22, 2012.

风险 | Risk:

1. 大市崩盘。此股每年只给1sen股息。被套了的股息率比定期储款更低。
2. 印尼货币继续贬值。
3. Treasure Bay的发展不如预测好。游客人潮低,运作支出大过收入。

1. Stock market collapse. This stock only give 1sen dividend per year. If investor is being trapped, the dividend yield is less than fix deposit interest.
2. Indonesia Rupiah currency is continue in depreciation mode.
3. The popularity in Trasure Bay is not up to the expectation. Number of tourist is low and the operating expenses are greater than income.

更多的信息 | Extra Information:



- It tell about the 1st phase in details. Also the major development plan in 2nd and 3rd phase which is expected to be launch in 2017 and 2020 respectively.

Fast Facts and figures about Treasure Bay Bintan

1. 338-hectare total development project
2. 6.3-hectare Crystal Lagoon, South-East Asia’s first and largest recreational sea-water body
3. Multiple award-winning leader in health and fitness destinations – Canyon Ranch will be opening, 1st time in South-East Asia
4. 45 minute ferry ride from Singapore
5. 75 minute car ride from existing Kijang Airport, Bintan, Indonesia
6. 25 minute car ride from new International Airport in Bintan (scheduled to open by end 2016) 
7. 1,700 resort room keys in Phase One

Fast Facts and figures about Crystal Lagoon in Treasure Bay Bintan

1. 6.3 hectares, largest lagoon in South-East Asia with  115,060m3 or 115,060,000 liters
2. 1st in South East Asia
3. Patented and available in 160 countries
4. Eco-friendly technology, uses approximately 100 times less chemical products than conventional swimming pools
5. Energy efficient, consumes only 2% of the energy needed by conventional filtration pools
6. Crystal Lagoon’s innovative technology is sustainable and safe for the environment, allowing limited resources such as energy and water to be used efficiently. The lagoon operates in a closed circuit that only needs to compensate for water loss caused by evaporation

Treasure Bay on the hunt for visitors

Published: 24 September 2012 9:51 AM

The developer, which cites the “Singapore factor” in helping to make Bintan the next big thing in regional tourism, hopes to leverage on the Republic as a private wealth management centre in the region as well as a city of high-net-worth individuals, who may tire of tourism offerings elsewhere in the region.

Last year, 470,470 tourists visited Bintan, an increase from 300,000 in 2010. To meet the expected rise in tourist numbers, construction of the Bintan Resorts International Airport — which will cater to domestic chartered flights, private jets and cargo planes — began in May this year.

- See more at:

INDONESIA PRESS-Landmarks Berhad plans $3.5 bln project in Bintan -Investor Daily

Wed May 7, 2014 8:55pm EDT

Malaysian property developer Landmarks Berhad plans to spend up to $3.5 billion on its Bintan Treasury Bay project in Indonesia's Kepulauan Islands province over the next 10-12 years, with an initial investment of $650 million, said CEO Paul Leong.

Landmarks will begin development of a resort hotel, amusement park, mangrove eco park and wellness resort on a 90-hectare site in the fourth quarter of this year, and expects to complete the project in 2017. (Investor Daily)

Note: Reuters has not verified this story and does not vouch for its accuracy. (Compiled by Jakarta Newsroom; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)