When you are going to pick a stock, consumer stock is always the first choice. A pure consumer stock with good growth prospect is hardly to be in cheap price. Sometimes, there are some stocks which are very close to consumer type, will give you surprise in cheap offer. For this type of stock, its business will still able to sustain well in storming economy whether. The only weakness will be its dependency on raw material price which is exposed to demand and supply's fluctuation.
SCGM Berhad was incorporated in Malaysia on 29 June 2007. Its subsidiary, namely LSSPI is principally involved in the manufacturing and trading of plastic products. You just need to surf the company website, then will be able to understand its products are very close to consumer type.
【亚洲 】马来西亚,新加坡,文莱,泰国,缅甸,越南,老挝,印度尼西亚,印度,香港,澳门,中国。
【欧洲 】葡萄牙,西班牙,希腊,意大利,奥地利。
【大洋洲 】澳大利亚,新西兰。
【北美 】美国,加拿大。
Company's products are eco friendly type. According to management, 75% of its sales is supply to F&B segment, 15% is goes to medical segment and the remaining 10% belong to electronic segment. Aside, company export is capturing for more than 40% ratio.
SCGM present market is as below:
【Asia】Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Macau an China
【Europe】Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Austria
【Oceania】Australia and New Zealand
【North America】United States and Canada
SCGM的客户包括Munchy, Hup Seng, Hwa Tai, Mondelex (Kraft Malaysia) and Gardenia Bakeries。
Company is trying to enter to Japan, which is a attractive market for its product. If you have been in Japan before, you will easily notice that the similar products are widely using in all the supermarket and convinient stores along the streets. It is very common use in all kind of food packing products.
SCGM's customer inclusive of Munchy, Hup Seng, Hwa Tai, Mondelex (Kraft Malaysia) and Gardenia Bakeries.
Simple briefing on the attractive key points on SCGM:
1) SCGM is expected to become one of the largest thermal vacuum packed plastic suppliers in Asia.
2) New plant to be build in Johor and this will increase its capacity for 15%.
3) Company is going to improve production efficiency through automation facilities by minimize the dependency of labour resource.
4) Showing good track record in dividend payout. Its dividend will be increasing along its earning growth.
5) Company has registered more than 100 patents for its products.
6) Producing own raw material and allow the company has a better control in cost.
7) Small Cap stock with only 80mil number of shares.
8) There is a large institution firm acquired the company share at RM1.25 for 3.13% stake.
9) Business is very close to consumer type and easy to understand.
10) Good fundamental and company still maintained in good sharp since its first listing.
It is easy to decide to invest on this type of stock. As long as there is room for production capacity growth, there will be growth prospect. The extend of growth rate is be very much depend on the efficiency of management to control the production cost, creativity to create new product, sales ability and strategy. Thus, investor has to monitor company performance by quarterly. It will be better if take a close look on any news related to company's business. If share price is fall under the intrinsic value of its growth prospect, it is ok to hold it.
As of today, the share price has hit its peak in historical price at RM1.53. At this price for short term view, it doesn't look cheap but not expensive too. I have no answer whether it is ok to buy at this price, but the short term risk is there. In long term view, I expected its future earning will grow further and will achieve a new milestone in higher earning!